It's been a long, troubling year, but I've finally reached the end. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to quit, how often I thought to myself "why would my show do this to me?", how badly I just wanted it to be over already.
Psych, not season four. I loved this season. But close to a year after I started it, I finally finished the mother-fucking Fountainhead! 687 pages of pure selfish objectivist psychobabble. A herculean task, if I do say so myself. It is a monument to my incredible devotion to LOST (and the fact that I can be pretty stubborn complete-ist) that I got all the way through. Especially because I knew by about page 50 just how little it really has to say about the show- like the Dickens references, this one is much more about the creative process of making the show than the content itself. But I'll go into this more in a follow-up post, when my head's a little clearer. For now, all you need to know is that The Fountainhead sucks, and I am awesome.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
It's over!
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9:01 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
LOST guys eating stuff.
I just fell in love. Not quite as in love as I am with LOST, but pretty close.
An old school chum of mine just started her own site... about...get this...
Guys. Eating. Stuff.
Sounds pretty hot, doesn't it? Well, you should check it out. And in honor of her, I thought I'd do a little montage of Guys From Lost Eating Stuff...these pictures just scratch the surface. Heck, I could do a whole post of just Locke. Eating. Stuff. I could do a whole entire separate blog about that.
Now THAT is my idea of hot. Phew.
So here goes:
Locke Eating Stuff
Hurley eating stuff (really?):
Ready for more? asked for it...
Eko eating/tasting "stuff":
Jack eating similar "stuff":
Sayid eating some Beans, yo:
Charlie ready to share some peanut butter with his lady:
Hey Freckles, Sawyer likes the look of them bananas.
Hehehehe. Jin sometimes eats things other than fish?
BEN doesn't like to eat alone:
I know there's a lot more where these came from...but here's one for the road, from an episode I actually watched at the aforementioned friends house....'s a turkey...
Now who could be eating that Turkey?...
Right on John, Right. On.
Post Script: I showed Aurora this post and she was like uhhh you're weird. And now she's having trouble going to sleep because she's thinking of all her favorite LOST food moments. Dork.
Posted by
9:42 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
...and other stories...and other stories
I'mma keep this one brief.
First of all, anybody see Cabin Fever? That scene with Horace was very Invention of Morel.
I wonder if maybe the books are turning more to problems of the Island itself and away from characters and their interactions...I will think about this and get back to you.
So I read a couple of stories on the advice of my papa, from the book The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories. There are 3 stories that are different reorganizations of these words, and I read two of them. These different permutations of one phrase are reminiscent of the imaginings and re-imaginings done in the LOST mirror structure we've heard so much about.
The first story I read, "The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories," which was basically about a little boy who was a part of a monster story and didn't know it.
The second one I read was "The Death of Doctor Island" which was the most clearly LOST related one...and it was kind of awesome...about a simulated island that's a satellite of Jupiter on which 3 crazies are placed, and the 'island' talks to them...there was a part where the Island says:
"This is what mankind has always wanted... that the environment should respond to human thought. That is the core of magic and the oldest dream of mankind, and, here on me, it is fact."
Whoa, it's true. And also...I am pretty sure it's true on LOST. What else happens? The main character is a lobomotized teenager who comes out of a hatch, there's a homicidal dude, and there's a girl who believes there is a bird in a cage inside of her. At one point the homicidal dude and the main character are swimming to catch fish and they see the dead island god on the floor of the "ocean"...the god looks like a big actually all sounded very Looking Glass to me. There's some also some good stuff about Dr. Harlow and his monkeys. In the end, it turns out that the Island, not so great a place to be after all. Huh, sort of troubling for a Pro-Islander like myself. I suppose its not canon (name-dropped or cover-flashed) though, so phew.
There's another story which I didn't read...called "The Doctor of Death Island" which starts with a Dickens quote and looks like it is about books and nations. Holler.
I kind of have a feeling that Darlton read this and aren't going to tell us--it's suitably vague and vivid, scientific and magical at the same time. Good times. No picture.... LOST is on in 3 minutes. :)
Posted by
7:00 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Invention of Morel: A Librarian's Dream....and lots of other news.
In Honor Of The Return of LOST tonight....
Adolfo Bioy Casares. BFFs with Borges. Borges....everybody likes him for some reason. This book? Sort of like a less bloodless Turn of the Screw for South America. I'm not sure I was in love with it, but I am sure it was pretty darn good and had a lot of layers and was the perfect length (about 90 pages) and is incredibly relevant.
In Eggtown (4x04) Sawyer's trying to read this in the Others village while Hurley watches Xanadu. At this point I would like to say that looking at Ben's bookshelves in the background of scenes at his house is such an incredible tease. Ahhhhh someday. Actually, in the promo pics for "The Shape of Things to Come" books are flying off the shelves like crazy. I hope to God that they don't all get destroyed. I guess there will be books in the real world too.
So here's the story of the Invention of Morel: There's a sort of crazy convict dude on a sort of deserted island seeing people that might be real or apparitions. He figures out that this Morel guys been able to record entire experiences...he falls in love with a projection of a lady...he tries to break the machine, it doesn't work, he surrenders himself, putting himself into this rotating recorded paradise/hell.
So-to copy what I was saying from my notes of "to write later": So. This is about Sawyer and Kate (Sawyer's the convict narrator watching the inexplicablely untouchable love of his life slip by) ...I wonder if this says something about the nature of "leaving" the island entails. I wouldn't be surprised if they were still there in some way, with the circular nature of the storytelling.
It's also about Ben and Juliet, which is indicative of Ben's general possessiveness. The titular Morel invents this machine to record and replay entire experiences, which in the process, destroy those that they've captured and preserved. Ben seems to have a problem with hoarding things and sucking all the life out of them while keeping them captive--yes I'm talking about ghostly Others like Harper Stanhope, about Jacob, about Ben's mom....if he has some blame for this, he's got some serious splainin to do.
The implications of the invention mean that times are being played "over" each other. Is this happening on the Island beyond the flashback structure? Are times.. or realities?..being superimposed over each other?! Ah!
Ultimately this book has a lot to say about consciousness (through the unreliable narrator), reality, and the delicate balance between life and death and what it really means, cosmically, to be alive. On a very small scale, on a small, hot, spooky Island. That's Lost if I ever saw it.
In other news, I had a no duh moment last month. I'm a member of Goodreads, which I highly recommend--social networking around concrete things! And of course, someone started a LOST Book Club there. It's pretty solid. I'd like to start some more rollicking discussion there though.
Also, of course, check out my Goodreads Profile. It's great. ;)
In other news....Um... My daddy is finishing Season 3 and enjoying it pretty well. He read a short story called The Death of Doctor Island (in the book The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories And Other Stories) which he says relates...I'll have to see for myself. It sounds totally weird. Also, I like to think that Darlton and Co. are geeky enough that they've read fairly obscure science fiction that pretty much nobody else has read that influences the show ALOT.
We're also watching equally culty old TV lately. Star Trek v.1 is amazing--it's easy to not know how good it actually was and think it can be defined by its parodies. But DAMN. Twin Peaks is also great, and Alex said "There could be no X-Files without Twin Peaks and there could be no LOST without the X-Files". And then he made us chickory coffee.
So I guess that's mostly it. The names of the upcoming episodes of LOST are delectable, cultural reference wise. The Shape of Things To Come being the first. H.G. Wells fictional history...which reminds me of his War of the Worlds (there's a great episode of RadioLab on the subject about getting way too into media). ALSO there's a song by that name--[Nothing Can Change] The Shape of Things To Come, from the 1960s movie (a favorite of my pops) WILD IN THE STREETS. The movie is about a world where nobody is allowed to live past 30. I think its apt.
LINK CITY. Well--I'll leave you. I'll get to The Death of Dr. Island in the next 2 or 3 weeks. And then...we have till next January, man. Anything can happen. I'll end on this note...
Posted by
7:12 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
On Our Mutual Friend and Not Paying Attention
Desmond, maybe you should pick a different book to read before you die.
This book has been my cross to bear in our quest, as the Fountainhead has been Aurora's. I'll say straight off that I'm not much of a Dickens type, or at least that I haven't given him a chance at any point yet in my young life. So I'm probably not the person to have read this book. And I gave up on reading the words pretty early--Our Mutual Friend is in the public domain, so it's been recorded for Librivox as a Book on Tape, v 2.0 . Pretty good quality stuff to listen to. Of course it made it a lot easier to tune it out while I was at work trying to get actual work done.
So here's what you need to know. Our Mutual Friend is the book Desmond wants to be the last book he reads before he dies. It's where he keeps the fail-safe key. It's what he gets back when he gets out of Prison. It's wrapped up in rubberbands. It has something to do with how much he loves Penny, etc. etc.
Darlton have cited John Irving as their inspiration, since he wants it to be the last book he reads before he dies. What do I know about John Irving? Even less than I know about Charles Dickens. Does that deflate some of the mystery of Desmond's fascination with it? Perhaps.
Our Mutual Friend is wordy to the point of absurdity. Characters have funny, extra-long names, there are subplots about pubs and parents and the Thames and the doll's dressmaker. I think (I might be wrong) there's a lot of stuff that seems like filler but is actually serious A-Plot-enhancing B-plot. The book was originally published as a newspaper serial so eh, eh it's just like a serial television show! now I'm going to do some bullet points, in the interest of not betraying just how little sunk in.
- Social class (read MONEY) issues: There are poor people who got rich, rich people who are jerks, poor people trying to get rich in bad ways....basically a lot of stuff about what bad things bad people will do for money and how good people are good regardless of money or lack thereof. Money (3.2 million dollars?) is becoming an increasingly important factor on LOST. Come to think of it, it always has been (Hurley and the lottery, Sawyer's cons, Sun selling Jin out to her dad to pay his mom, Michael losing Walt to Walt's rich jerk mom, Kate's Australian farmer's mortgage...we could probably dredge up something for everybody)..Maybe it's that money is just omnipresent in life anyway, but I think it's a bigger deal than that. Come to think of it, there's a lot about how money doesn't matter on the Island (see Expose). And it's probably going to be a challenge for the Oceanic Six back in the real world. I think the money things important--but I think it's intrinsically evil in Lost, in Our Mutual Friend, it's really only a problem for the low-lifes who are clawing for it. Unless you think Widmore and Ben are more scheming low-lifes than Big Bads.
- Love stories that transcend these issues: Desmond and Penelope are in good company with John Harmon and Bella Wilfer. Except it's sort of reversed. In Our Mutual Friend, John Harmon is secretly rich and Bella is of a bit lower station than him, and their love is set up from the beginning. And even after The Constant, I still doubt Penny's original intentions a little. I feel like she just knows too much about the freighter--she's going to have some splainin to do...I think there's a possibility that she's part of Widmore's plot but either doesn't understand the seriousness of it or is going to use it to her (and Desmond's) advantage. Ok..complicated class-crossing love stories.
- Resurrection stories: John Harmon is presumed dead, because a body with his papers on it is found in the Thames. He takes on a new identity so he can approach the girl he is supposed to marry. In the end, he is finally able to reveal his true self (back from the dead, in a sense!). There's also another sequence that I actually managed to pay some attention to, in which another character nearly drowns, is brought back from near-death, and goes on at some length about his resurrection. Hmm...In exciting drowning and near drowning news (tiny spoiler alert), a body's going to wash up on the beach and Jack's going to try to identify it! There are sort of a disturbing number of people it could be.
A little chains we forged in life eh?
- Daddy issues: John Harmon can only get his dad's money if he successfully marries Bella (and I think at some point previous to this deal, his dad disowned him). Bella loves her dad more than anybody in the world but lets the Boffin's adopt her for a while. Lizzie Hexam loves her dad too and is pretty bummed out when he dies.....Fathers and daughters are important in this book. Mostly fathers and sons in Lost, but either way, mothers are absent or vaguely unpleasant. I don't know what to do with this but I know it's important...Ben and Alex? Meh.
- That Serialization stuff. Yeah. Thank goodness for newspaper serials for giving some pre-existing pattern for television to follow. Thank goodness for television serials for improving upon the concept. Not that they are better than Dickens, just that serial form one chunk at a time is better on TV I am guessing.
Our Mutual Friend. The end.
Next up, the Invention of Morel, which was so short I had to pay attention to it.
Posted by
12:36 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Evil Serves Good Despite It's Cunning: Valis and Me.
Valis. Ok, it seemed totally scary. All I knew about K. Dick was that a lot of supernerds like him.
And then I read the Eggtown reviews on DarkUFO that explained what happened in the book (specifically J. Wood) and I was like uhhh this is gonna suck and be way way too technical but the front cover looks cool. So I checked it out of the library and let it sit around until it was overdue. Then I picked it up, and read it, and guess what? It ruled.
Valis is introduced at the beginning of Eggtown, when Locke brings it down to Prisoner Ben. Ben says "I've already read it", and Locke says "You might catch something you missed the second time around." Of course a wink and a nod to the rewatchability of Lost, but after reading this book I can say that you could read this book 20 times and keep catching (and losing) things... It's freaking crazy. In case we missed how hard they beat the "This Book is Important" idea into our heads, Ben's reading the book in The Other Woman and asks "Has the revolution begun yet?" which, if I'm not mistaken is a line in the book.
So what's VALIS about? I'm going to try to keep it to one paragraph. It's Philip K Dick's theological manifesto. It's about cosmic dualisms and time as the 4th dimension (referencing Wagner (which is also relevant to LOST)) and the 5th Savior (Walt? Aaron?) and the overlap of world and the rationality/irrationality of the divine and drugs and madness and early Christianity and gnosticism, and suicide and illness and pink lasers that transmit information that cures people in mind and body, and about death and resurrection, and how questions of death and resurrection are affected when time turns into space. But mostly, it makes no sense and doesn't have a plot and is kind of like a cross between Vonnegut and Flann O'Brien (Third Policeman guy). Ok, you know that sounds like Lost. You know it. And it's brilliant, and it makes no sense. And it's really interesting to see how it's played out in the episodes after Eggtown, episodes especially full of madness (Freighties), time-lapsing mind travel (Desmond), and ...not pink, but lasers nonetheless...and complicated unclear cosmic dualisms (Ben vs. Widmore for serious!)...and oh, here's Daniel's pink light:
So I think the thing to do is to quote wholesale from the book, because I can't explain it myself. Lets do that after the jump..
Here's the first one re: the powers that be and the power that they have over the rank and file:
"'The Empire never ended," Fat quoted to himself...During the interval in which he experienced the two world superimposition, he had seen not only California, USA, of the year 1974 but also ancient Rome, he had discerned within the superimposition a Gestalt shared by both space-time continua, their common element: a Black Iron Prison. Everyone dealt in it without realizing it. The Black Iron Prison was their world."
After the characters see the movie VALIS...Screencaps anyone?:
Well, we'll all have to go see the picture again...ninety percent of the details are designed to go by you the first time-- actually only go by your conscious mind; they register in your unconscious. I'd like to study the film frame by frame.
The 2 year old 5th Savior tells them:
God has also set the one over against the other; the good against the evil, and the evil against the good; the good proceeds from the good, and the evil from the evil; the good purifies the bad, and the bad the good; the good is preserved for the good, and the evil for the bad ones... This means that good will make evil into what evil does not wish to be; but evil will not be able to make good into what good does not wish to be. Evil serves good, despite its cunning."
After they leave this 2 year old girl who speaks in ancient tongues and who they think is the 5th Savior. .. And keep in mind this is the late 70s, about 25 years ago, so 20 years forward would take us nearly to the present day, when, maybe, the forces of evil are back at the helm?:
Where would she surface? ...Would we have to wait until she grew to adulthood? That might be eighteen years. In eighteen years Ferris E. Fremount, to use the name in the film [a stand-in for Nixon], could have taken over the world--again. We needed help now. But then I thought, You always need the Savior now. Later is always too late.
The book sends in a paradox of hopefulness and hopelessness, complete madness and utter sanity, still waiting for the 5th savior. A few lines from the last page:
The symbols of the divine show up in our world initially at the trash stratum. Or so I told myself...The divine intrudes where you least expect it...My search kept me at home; I sat before the TV set in my living room. I sat; I waited; I watched; I kept myself awake. As we had been told, originally, long ago, to do; I kept my commission.
Ok, so I know that sitting and watching TV looking for some sign of the divine is a little (or a lot) pathetic, but then you can come back out from that and look for it in the real world too. For all its schizophrenic sci-finess, VALIS is equally and crazily a theological treaty; and for that reason I read it with glee. LOST Season 2 looked like it was going in that direction with Mr. Eko and the Claire as Mary Vision, but it pulled back in Season 3. Season 4 has seen hints of the deepily paranormal creeping in at faster and faster rates, and I couldn't be happier. The religiousness of VALIS, and of LOST by extension, is totally crazy and totally drawing parallels and pulling together the stories and world views of the Dogon people and the Zoroastrians and Norse Myth and Greek Myth and Buddhism and the Christians and everything without prejudice or apology, and all, ultimately for Good. Crazy good, but good.
Which is why I think Lost is going to have a happy ending, when it all comes down to it. It might be a crazy, tiny beer-can sized sign of the divine sort of happy ending, but it will be there. If you're not with me on that I understand. Read VALIS again, you might catch something you missed the second time around.
To break from that: I'm not actually as crazy as Dick. but I did enjoy feeling a little bit like it while reading his book. I do think being open to the good and awesome stories in past, present, and future religious and mythic traditions is a worthwhile endeavor. Thanks Horselover Fat. And thanks Darlton. I'm hooked. I want to read the Brothers Karamozov next if I can, but I've seriously got some Harry Potter to read before I do so. And we've got to add Jules Verne to our list don't we? Well, goodnight friends. Happy Easter.
Posted by
11:36 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
In which I meet the one and only Terry O'Quinn
So about a week and a half ago, our third friend (yes,we have another friend) told me that Terry O'Quinn was going to be visiting Illinois Wesleyan University to see his brother who works in the theater department and to talk to IWU theater students. Well, I don't know if you've heard, but I am totally crazy about TOQ. Duh. My heart stopped at the very mention of him on g-mail chat. So I said PLEASE, let me go. Alex said: sure, you can even go in my place, since my mom can bring one guest. I said hm...okay I am just that greedy. I will plan to just totally take your place. Over the weekend we decide that we'd drive together and we'd both try to get in.
The fateful Tuesday arrived. The winter storms came through--freezing rain followed by snow and blizzard winds. I watched the IDOT as it said that the highways were clear of snow, then 25% ice cover, and then 75%. But Alex arrived at lunch time, ready to brave the frozen wasteland of I-74 for the purposes of our quest. The drive was more-or-less white-knuckle, but he never flinched--instead he spent a long time explaining Battlestar Galactica to me. Gee thanks. This is what the weather looked like when we arrived. Quite appropriate.
Upon arrival in Bloomington, we went out for lunch with Alex's mom and she informed us that she had been to a department lunch with Mr. O'Quinn and he was very nice, but shorter than she had thought. I drooled to know I was in such close proximity to him...but maybe that was just the pico de gallo.
After our lunch, we went to the student center to get some hot cocoa and wander around until it was time for his talk. I remember the moment perfectly. Alex got skim milk in his cocoa, I got 2% with whipped cream on top. We were chattering happily and waiting for our drinks when we suddenly fell silent. Basically here is how it went: in a nearly empty student center, on a snowy march afternoon, I saw John Locke in the flesh walking towards the coffee counter where I was standing, ultimately stopping pretty darn close to us. I tugged on Alex's arm over and over--he had frozen up completely. He finally acknowledged what was going on by moving to the far side of the counter, as far away from Mr. O'Quinn as possible. When our cocoa came after what seemed like ages, we ran off as fast as we could, because, if we had stayed we probably would have been weeping in reverence at his feet.
We rushed off talking about how our hearts had basically stopped, and burnt a little more time going to the beautiful Anderson Library. Finally we pooped out and went to wait in the Theater lobby, listening to goofy undergrads and talking about how glad we were to not be them. Of course, of course, Mr O'Quinn showed up again (it was where he was talking after all) and he walked back and forth in front of us, stretching his arms, listening to the theater kids say silly theater kid things. We got antsy and decided to go in, knowing we'd be listening to him for another hour.
The Q+A began. People asked polite theatery questions and then tried to fit polite theatery questions to questions about Lost, and then asked questions about Lost. I wanted to ask about how his youth in Newberry, Michigan had shaped his manly, solitary, survivalist character, but I knew that was a little specific, eh? It was pretty surreal- he spoke and moved and shoved his hands in his pockets pretty much like Locke --and I loved it. I think I squeezed Alex's hand too many times, but it was ok.
After all was said and done, I got in the rush of folks who got photographed with TOQ and had him sign my copy of the Wizard of Oz on the page with the Wizard's throne. I still think he's Dorothy since he's on the biggest journey of anyone. Here's our conversation--
Me: "Could you sign this?"
TOQ: "Hmm.. The Wizard of Oz? Interesting. Anything you want me to write?"
Me: "uh..uh..."
TOQ: "What's your name?"
Me: "Emilia? My roommate and I all the books on Lost?"
TOQ: "Hmm.."
THE END. I don't think it could have gone any better. I don't think I could be any happier.
I'm looking forward to future episodes during which I can say: I've met that guy! Yeah, that guy! Yeah, and it was AWESOME. Here's the evidence: aren't we cute?The end. The best time ever.
And books, what books?
Posted by
12:04 PM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Things We Should Be Reading
They've been bringing them in fast of late....
In The Economist, Sayid found the Koran on Ben's Bookshelf of Secrets, and we found out that one of Ben's aliases is Dean Moriarty... of On The Road (modeled on Neal Cassady, who Allen Ginsberg and the rest of the Beats totally adored..which is not someone Ben seems like he would be. Although I suppose Neal Cassady was a great manipulator).
We may try to read some Koran. We will not be reading On The Road, but we should probably read The League of Extraordinary Gentleman.
In Eggtown, Ben refused to read Valis by Philip K. Dick (and it looks like that was for good reason..the DarkUFO description I read of it was complicated as hell). Nevertheless, I went and checked it out of the Library. It seems like it would be a real challenge.
Sawyer was reading The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares with Frankenglasses 2.0 while Hurley watched Xanadu. Needless to say, we will find a way to do the same. I am particularly excited for Xanadu.
In other news, I'm nearing the end of Our Mutual Friend. How much attention I've payed is another matter altogether. Maybe someday Aurora will grace us with some thoughts on the Hero's Journey and the world of Lost. We had a good conversation about it over martinis last week. Woot.
Posted by
11:02 AM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Confirmed Dead?
Charlotte Staples Lewis? (C.S. Lewis)
Baptized in the Island?
Anybody? Anybody?
That is to say- I liked the new episode, I like the new characters.
Posted by
1:40 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hurley "Hugo" Reyes: The Clown of God,or: An Excellent Start to Season 4
So, in lieu of actively reading Lost Books (and I have heard that this season should be bringing us a few more), I'm happy to devote some more time on the blog to fan-ish pursuits. Namely, I think it's okay to talk about what things LOST reminds us of. I can't purport to be too involved in the socio-political and philosophical threads running through LOST, but I am always interested in picking up on the mythical and religious threads that are right there for the taking. And my bias is from the Catholic story of the way things are, so be warned. This gets a little (or a lot) kooky.
So, basically, Spoiler Alert if you haven't seen The Beginning of the End.
I think everything Hurley saw, even in dubious circumstances (some other crazy guy saw it), was very very real. Especially Jacob's shack and Charlie. The show went to some length to prove this (or to get people who want to believe it to believe it) : Christian (who Hurley has never seen) was in Jacob's chair, Charlie stated as much: "I am dead. But I'm also here." So we say: How the heck does that work? Is it uhhh the smoke monster? Is it just Hurley being a looney?
Here's how I see the visions/appearances. I think that the things Hurley is seeing, and at least some of the other people who should be dead that we've seen--Christian, Ben's mother, etc. are not the smoke monster or delusions or even run of the mill ghosts--they are instead, super-real, beyond our earthly perceptions. Why do they show up on the island? Hm. Good question.
Aurora was trying to explain her sense of this to me, and I finally got it with some stretching. You know how Jesus rose from the dead? When he came back, he rose bodily, he wasn't a ghost, but he wasn't alive either. He could probably do some pretty awesome not-alive-not-dead stuff. In the Catholic tradition, of course, saints and the Virgin Mary show up every once in a while to tell people important stuff, and..though I don't know if they're physically there, they aren't ghosts in the spooky sense either. So that's what I think these appearances are: the dead among us, not in our heads, not a party trick, but the real deal. They are so real they defy our perception.
So why Hurley? Well, I think, as you may see above, that Hurley is a Clown of God, in the Christian tradition of the Holy Fool. On a less churchy level, there's a nice idea that says that maybe the people we think are crazy really have supernatural sense. The religious model is about the same...Those who don't succeed in the eyes of greater, and often-times very flawed society, but who have an inner peace and insight that helps others and also brings them closer to the divine.
The wikipedia article has some interesting insights into the phenom:
"The madness of the yurodivy was ambiguous, and could be real or simulated. He (or she) was believed to have been divinely inspired, and was therefore able to say truths which others could not, normally in the form of indirect allusions or parables. "
and from Anthony the Great:
"Here comes the time, when people will behave like madmen, and if they see anybody who does not behave like that, they will rebel against him and say:"You are mad", - because he is not like them."
Hurley is not an outcast per se but he is a far cry from the status quo, and his greatest gift, consistently, has been gentleness and peacefulness which has helped all of the Losties at one point or another. He doesn't have a great drive to succeed, or get rescued, or get revenge, or figure everything out. When Big Mike threatens to send him to the nuthouse he says "Please do!". He doesn't function that well as a regular member of society, and he shouldn't have to. Sometimes, as in Hurley's case, it ain't broke, but everybody keeps trying to fix it anyway (I think this goes for Locke too)...On the island, you don't have to fix it.
Anyway: I think Hurley is like the Clown of God. The Clown of God that I'm most familiar with is the Tomie dePaola story about a traveling clown who was always on the fringes of society, enjoyed when he was performing and sort of ignored (and sometimes derided) the rest of the time. In the end, he brings his gift of juggling to the statue of Mary and Jesus...and makes a stern statue of the child Jesus smile. It's better if you read it. It is one of those kids books that makes me cry when I think about it.
The point is, that even if society doesn't recognize or incorporate your gifts, God does. And I think somebody out there is looking out for Hurley. Of course, something is also out to get him (oh hey, the numbers), but Jacob loves him (assuming Jacob is good) and Charlie loves him (and I am sure Charlie is good). And that last one is really important. Hurley is blessed, and blesses other people with his gifts all the time.
And that's why he can see Charlie. Or so I think.
In the very likely case that I'm wrong, oh well. But it's nice to think about what a hardcore good dude he is. At the very least, I think there's alot more going on then simple mental instability. There always has been. Thanks, all.
Posted by
1:13 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
The Lost Weekend: I am pretty sure it is the reason television was created
Here goes nothing. Greatest Hits, in which I probably cry for half of the episode again..
Alex is here! I am pondering the cleanliness level of Desmond's shirt. It is suspiciously clean. Alex is standing up like a little bitch.
Oh the heart-breaking Hurley diss.
So we're in the last episode, having a discussion about whether Jack's ex-wife is a b.
Alex is suggesting that all the deaths are misunderstandings. Um. I am too numb to understand now.
Jack is on drugs--says Alex--and booze. We have questions about Alex, ourselves.
The episode gives Aurora a stomachache.
My vision is starting to blur.
Sometimes Matthew Fox is a better actor than I give him credit for--see crying and punching when he thinks the beach guard gets shot.
Phew. Total fake out on the lives of our buds.
BREAKING NECKS. We discuss taking wisdom tooth painkillers in honor of Jack's oxycodone abuse. "Attention others, come in, others." I am in pre-emptive tears over Charlie's imminent death.
SO, we're done.
Life is good.
Our love for Lost has in no way diminished.
Aurora says, it is nice to stop thinking about everything else and just think about Lost.
As for our unraveling of mysteries, we have not made much ground.
We understand character motivations a lot better this time, for better or worse.
We learned that Alex is a goof, but we love him.
We learned about temperature fluctuations in our apartment.
We learned that ...THE END THE END 4EVZZZZ.
Posted by
3:56 PM
And so we barrel towards the finish
Ok. I mopped.
And we're in the home stretch. I've finished the 2nd Harry Potter. We had some bread and olive oil for lunch. We thought for a while in Catch 22 about how everytime someone follows the wire they get into one of Rousseau's traps (Sayid, Hurley, almost-Charlie with the arrow). Why does she feel so compelled to protect it?
I also appreciated Juliet's bedside manner alot. She is so good at talking to Sun about her baby.
We talked for a little bit about why Sawyer could kill Locke's dad but Locke couldn't/didn't want to do it. Dude was never out for blood.
Oh MAN we are at Jacob's cabin. That is crazy stuff. Seriously.
Aurora is reading to me, Genesis 35:16, about how Benjamin's mom died in childbirth in the Bible. The biblical references are criss-crossed, but worth thinking about.
Oh man, 10 o'clock timeslot. Giving us room for arrows in the neck and gassing deaths. That is some gross stuff. At this point I will take a second to reflect on the nature of the Purge. If there were still people in the stations, I'm sort of assumng that they didn't get killed in the purge. Is that because they were on the Hostiles side or does that have something to do with the quarantined signs on the stations. Like someone came along and put them in quarantine before/at the time of the purge? See: "I was one of the people smart enough to make sure I didn't end up in that ditch."
God, The Man Behind the Curtain is BRILLIANT.
Aurora points out that the Others didn't bury the Dharma-ites the same way they bury their own dead...sending their own dead out to sea, just throwing the Dharmas in an open pit. Why would they bury them so openly when "nothing stays buried on this island for long."
Ok. I think I'm going to give the last disc it's own post. Ceremonial new disc switch moment of silence.
Posted by
11:45 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Season 3 Begins.
It does. With Alex putting his fist into a wine glass for fun.
What else?
Klara's cookies were delicious.
Aurora and Alex theorized at great length about the Other's plan for taking Jake/Kate/Sawyer and no one else. Klara had a cute nap, I tried to touch Alex with my feet and annoyed him.
We slept through Enter 77 and that Claire one where we learn--shocker! that Jack is her half brother. Snorlax. I dreamt of kittens and being on the city bus with Unitarians. Seriously. Weird.
Now we've been through um.. Man From Tallahassee and Expose. Here's the Kate+Juliet mud-wrestle episode. Bleh. Time to eat an orange and mop.
Posted by
8:33 PM
Disc 4: Oh hai, Henry Gale
Locke flashback! We're in the serious stuff now. It makes me a little mad how Helen leaves him.
This is the sweet episode with the blast door map and Sayid digging up the grave.
Dave time! I observed that Libby treats Hurley like a baby and it's really infuriating.
Everybody interrogates Ben angrily. Aurora observes that watching it the first time around this seemed like the weaker part of the season, largely because we had no idea why Ben was so important. This time around, the first half with all the tailies introductions and interactions seems like the boring part and Ben seems like the interesting part, especially when you spend some time considering what he did and didn't know in retrospect. Like: does he actually know what this hatch is for. And when he says "He'll kill me!" he is talking about Jacob, maybe even sincerely?
Alright. So ends, a little bit sadly, our Season 2 coverage. My mom came over with some bagels, I fell asleep during "Two For the Road", she told me not to fall asleep, and then she fell asleep.
She left, I took a bath, and then Alex showed up bearing bread. Then Klara and her man, Zeb showed up too and brought bunny cookies with the numbers on them. Sweet.
The one revelation of the end of Season 2: I have a much higher opinion of Claire than my companions. Oh well.
Now we are well into season two (ok like 4 episodes in). Hooray for us! To blog!
Posted by
11:13 AM
Disc 3: ah luff her.
Oh Kate. What you did. I love the Kate-sick Sawyer interaction.
And this is probably the strongest Kate flashback.
I like that this is the one where you really start to get the sense that Kate completely doesn't know who she is. And that she's really alternately, and unpredicatably, fragile and hard. She is so willing to be vulnerable as long as it doesn't actually mean anybody helping her or calling her on her stuff.
Also the Orientation film!
Also more Eko/Locke hour.
I'm going to move my bed in, have some cereal, and go to sleep. Crappy episodes coming up. Wow, the 2nd season is so full of dithering. We will have guests tomorrow. And hopefully eat our guacamole, and keep working on our pasta salad, and do some mopping, and make more headway in Harry Potter.
I'll say goodnight now. I look forward to falling asleep during Eko's episode.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Disc 2: The Season of Sad Piano
Ew. The bald guy. A S/J Flashback is no way to start off a disc.
Seriously that was also a boring episode. I do not want to have to go to bed on just boring episodes.
So, the second episode was the Shannon episode, in which I felt really sorry for Shannon. She gets seriously and completely screwed by her stepmom. I am not saying the Boone death episode and the Shannon death episode are the only times I've cried. But they are, ok. Yep.
Aurora points out it was about the baby. Oh, I also cried a little when Bernard was like "Is Rose with you?" OH MAN!
Another important point of this episode is when Sawyer is about to pass out, and his eyes are strikingly blue. What a babe.
Oh, and importantly, the Others steal an awful lot of the Tailies. I think this might have something to do with the Tailies involvement/lack thereof with whatever the reason the Losties are on the island.
Ok the other 48 days. You are a pretty great episode. I have maybe 2 or 3 episodes left in me though, man.
"It took you forty days for you to speak?"
"It took you forty days to cry."
Ana Lucia's first flashback. This is probably the first episode of the season that I actively enjoy.
Ana Lucia has a great, and truly unique back story, and some actual justification for her anger.
All of the troubling questions raised by the first encounter between our guys and the tailies.
And the kindred spiritude of Eko and Locke. sweet.
Vigilante justice booyahhh.
Remember when I started this liveblogging in vaguely full sentences? Yeah, me neither. :)
Ok Cry #3 or #4. Jin comes back to Sun, breaking away from the rest of the crowd. So sweet.
One more word on Ana Lucia. She's capable of such good and such bad in a way that no one else seems to exercise. Ok. Well, I've said enough. She's my fave.
Posted by
9:16 PM
Best season opener in the history of time.
It's interesting to watch Desmond without seeing his face. I really pictured a different, less adorable face.
It's dinner time! Oh great, a Jack flashback. Sort of unneccessary, though his hair is a hoot.
Oh hai desmond, good job running up the stadium stairs. This episode is a little too slow too, and it doesn't give you enough to go on, and its too main characters (Jack, Locke, Kate) focused. Although its got some good Hurley-tude. And it's all in the dark.
Sarah's recovery would be a miracle? says Jack.
Lift it up, says Desmond. What? says Jack. Your ankle, says Desmond.
I reflect for a while on the nature of Desmond's religious conviction. I am convinced he has at least some.
Sarah's recovery is a miracle. Does that make Jack a miracle worker, or just lucky? Or maybe a little bit of both.
and on to the second episode. Adrift. Hey, guys on the raft/in the water. this is when Michael really starts acting like a little bitch. I also have some anger about the legal system.
Um, it's COLD in our house. HEATER TIME.
This is the episode where Sawyer pulls the bullet out of his arm. Awesome.
Season 2 seems like its going to be a little rough. There's some character development, but also alot of character rehash. Hm.
I am blogging about how I resent how mean Aurora is about Michael. He has some dumb feelings, but they come from an honest-ish place I think. So there.
Well, "Michael, Others" has been uttered.
And Episode 3.
OMG OMG THE TAILIES. Gosh, I forgot how much I love Eko. And this is a really great introduction to them. I was just bitching about Season 2 being slow, and now I remember how much I like the tailies. Ooooh and it's a Locke episode.
Oh, well oops. I took a nap. Thanks alot 2nd chapter of Chamber of Secrets.
Episode 4? It's Hurley time!
The DVD player is making a grumpy high-pitched noise. I think we need to give it a ten minute break after this episode. Possibly watch an episode or 2 on the computer.
Eh. Oh no, it's not the computer. It's like somebody forgot to turn the Helipad siren off. It is troubling.
Um. We are making comments about Sawyer's lack of power virtually all the time. "Every character except Claire beats him up," says Aurora.
Also in this episode I am reminded about how hot Locke looks when he is eating with his hands and knife. It is a real skill.
Disc Done. Still sort of holding to my attitude about Season 2. Oh well.
Posted by
6:20 PM
Ok. Well.
Now its time for some serious housecleaning. Aurora got Swiffer rags and a mop and bucket.
Too bad I am hungry and am going to have a snack instead.
This is the season finale in which Rousseau is super-shady. For REALS.
OMG ANA LUCIA. Ok here goes the snack.
Nope, no snack. Just Klara. Rousseau. You are crazy..
Arzt is turning in a tour de force performance. And I like the ensemble flashbacks.
That smoke shot at the end of Part One is so great and the film quality is different.
Alright here goes Part Deux. Time for some Cider. LOST drinking game anybody?
Well, Arzt is having a little grump. I love him. We also spotted original Nikki and Paolo. Much less "hot" then the 3rd season ones. Arzt's combustion freaks me out every time.
Now they are on the raft, Billy Ray Cyrus hair Sawyer!
Charlie just tried to punch Sayid, and Sayid took hold of his neck and held him off. Sayid is fierce.
Ok let's see. It's almost time for Locke to see the monster.
Aurora would like us to note that perhaps the watch Jin is bringing to America is important. Paik's connection to Widmore I think backs that up. Does it have anything to do with Jack's watch?
The second episode is an hour and a half. Maybe a little too long? especially like the 5 minutes at the end without speaking. Ok, on to season 2.
Posted by
4:15 PM
Born To Run: Kate kills people by accident.
Nice fake wig Kate.
ARZT! Hearts.
Ummm.. And Michael gets accidentally poisoned.
See, I like the raft story, but it has some unneccesary twists.
And the Old Time Kate story with her childhood sweetheart. Hm. I like it. But I really need the Marshall's part of the story to to have all of her pieces together. I still don't understand why she's such an outlaw. She's got some splainin to do.
Seriously, Kate. You have made a mess of things. And an alcoholic dad is totally not enough reason for that. Maybe it's because you're Canadian.
Yeah, that episode was sort of filler.
Posted by
12:18 PM
The Greater Good: Sayid's best episode
It's the TAKE A NAP episode. Jack is delirious. It's sort of adorable. Claire also needs to take a nap cuz she just had the cutest baby ever. Sayid has a flashback about his terrorist pal. Locke comes back to town with a bloody shirt on.
OOH now he is washing his shirt. Hot, shirtless Locke.
I remember the first time I watched this episode, and Sayid had two stupid choices he could make (participate in terrorism, turn terrorists in) and I was so worried for him to do either. I am glad it worked out. And the male friendship stuff in this is priceless, and underrated. Gosh, Sayid is cute. Especially with a ponytail. Hm.
I feel like I focus to much on how cute the people on the show are. I hope it is evident enough that their cuteness is just an added bonus to the great story and pretty wonderful acting. And possibly those two things help their cuteness. I wouldn't watch this show if it was dumb. And now I am just stating the obvious.
So. Apparently, Nadia "works as a lab tech for a medical testing company". Mittelos/Widmore /etc. much? Dude. And we're done with that. Now it is time for aaaaa Kate episode. Great. Bleh.
Posted by
11:51 AM
NUMBERS: In which Hurley gets a raw deal...and which I do one blog for a whole disc
I love Hurley's mom. Almost as much as Jin's dad.
It's time for breakfast...And aurora is going to make some pasta salad for late. I am going to start the 2nd Harry Potter.
This is the 1st Introduction of the #s I think. Maybe? Probably in earnest.
I like how much of the show is revealed in this episode. and when hurley makes friends with rousseau.
Now its DEUS EX Machina time... I think i'll keep with this post.
The trebuchet. euh. This is the point where I get sick of the funny names for things.
Some other things happen in this episode. The circumstances surrounding Locke's kidney loss still seem shady to me. I spend some time reflecting on the Jater Skater deal.
And on to ...the one where Boone dies. I know this episode is kind of frustrating but it's also a really great ensemble work thing--Everybody helps out in their own way. And for the record: I think it's ok that Jack doesn't go to Claire's aid and leave Boone. We have some fights about it in our house, but people have been having babies for millenia. So. Anyway. Time to post. On to the last disc of season 1.
Posted by
9:32 AM
In Translation; Good morning!
O hai, iz morning.
Well, we are on Disc 5. Sleeping through LOST makes it go a lot faster. And oh great, another Sun and Jin episode. I guess I missed the one where Sawyer gets tortured. :)
This is the one where Jin finds out Sun speaks english. and the raft gets burnt down (yes!) and Jin is sad like the whole time. That's about it. Locke says that the problem isn't among the Losties, its with "them" , in the jungle.
The whole raft plot has some problems, its true, but in retrospect, it basically set the scene for the whole second season. So I watch it fondly now.
Posted by
8:42 AM
The Moth: more tedious first flashbacks
so. charlie's a drug addict.
Sawyer, it is not becoming to be skeezy to kate when jack is being all sentimental. I know which one works better. I know why it took me so long to warm to you.
There is alot of misunderstanding and self aggrandizement going on all around in this episode.
Waaah bloody rock god. I'm totally going to have some nap time before I finish HP. 40 pages is just too many. Adios for now. I think I'll post this. I should be back by around Hearts and Minds or so. Maybe not blogging then. I might start the disc and go back to sleep. GOODNIGHT.
Posted by
1:24 AM
The House of the Rising Sun: A bad pun, and the lamest flashbacks
Aurora observes that their babies are going to have great bone structure.
I really love their on island arc. I really get weary of their flashback arc. Except for Jin's dad. He rules.
Kate says "We" in disbelief as if she's about to say "whats this we stuff white boy" to Jack.
Ok, frankly, this episode bores me all around. I'm trying to finish Harry Potter so I can go to bed. I just ate a small bowl of cereal and am drinking some water from a Jurassic Park cup. It is going to be a wonder if I don't get a horrible bellyache.
Charlie and Drugs, hawshoo.
Kate and Jack and the Cave/Beach debate hawshoo....I do like Adam and Eve though.
I also really like when Sun is about to leave at the airport and then doesn't.
I love this "Are you sure this is where you want to be" song. I think I am going to go buy it on iTunes. Oh man. It is meaningful.
Posted by
12:43 AM
White Rabbit: Is this the one where Sawyer gets tortured?
I hope so.
OOOH i think this is the one where they go to the caves. The water is running out. Hurley has pulled Charlie into the Jack's bitches gang. Jack is having a little huffy fit. UGH. BORING.
Ok, now you know my biases. Everytime I watch Christian Shepard, I like him more and Jack less. Seriously. I don't know if this is what they want, but seriously, Christian is mostly just a regular dude with some flaws. I think it's something about having unrealistic expectations of your parents. I mean seriously, being a spinal surgeon is totally hard.
How come when Jack throws a hissy fit its stupid and when Boone does it it is so hot.
Jack's mom says "You don't get to say I can't." It's an interesting point about Jack having the luxury of choice, where as someone like Locke who doesn't get a choice for his pre-island life doesn't want other people to say "You can't." There's something about destiny and free will here.
But that idea always bores me.
So....Oh maybe this is the one where Sawyer gets tortured... "A rat will always lead you to his hole." Smoochies! Fingernails! I am about 3/4 of an episode away from bed.
Euh. This fear of failure stuff is really boring, Jack. Although he's doing some of his better acting in this episode. It's because the situation is believable too.. that helps. He just bashed in his dad's empty tomb if you will. I love that. It's such a great image.
Oh man. I need some water... how apt for this episode. The titular line of our blog...uttered in a speech that is a more negative rehash of Sayid's speech from a few days ago.
Posted by
12:06 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
WALKABOUT: In which the love of my life is explored
Oh Locke. Ohhhhh I love you. I remember how great it was when I was worried you were going to break my heart and be evil somehow. Dudes are having a pretty fierce argument about whether or not to burn the bodies. Jack's being super-utilitarian, and Sayid's all "we should figure out what these dead people would want" and Jack says "We don't have time to sort out everybody's god".
Way to go, ecumenical Sayid.
Jack's Gay-like Neckerchief time!
John's giving the Boar Speech! Way to go! It is weird how against hunting Sawyer is. Such a study in small contrasts.
Locke's adding machine sounds like the monster.
So what I love about this season is the easy pervasiveness of sentimentality and sweet humanness and the novelty of the outdoors and the adventure of it all. It does turn as the seasons go by, and some of the turning is sort of awkward. We can look back and see that it was necessary but it's nice to go back and think of the better days gone by.
Locke is wearing a hot hunting vest. And it's time to clip my fingernails.
"Shut up, Randy Nations" says Aurora. We're eating a few teddy grahams, and there are already 7 soda cans on the table. BRING IT ON.... "Where one derives strength from the earth and becomes inseperable from it..." That's what Locke says a walkabout is, and that's what happens to him on the Island.
I love the footshots of him. Love the gold toe socks.
And so Charlie and Hurley become friends while fishing. I love how it just seems like the actors are having fun. Time to read some Harry Potter.
Shannon is way rough on Boone. "Go rescue a baby bird or something." She really thinks he is a sissy.
Man the first time Jack sees his dad by the tree is terrifying....Not much happens in this episode. I love it though. It's what I'm saying about the first season. It's totally slowpaced, and episodes really flow into each other. It's like they have all the time in the world. And it is nice.
And a little secret between me and you. I get tired of "Don't tell me what I can't do." Double negative much?
The end of Disc 1. Woot. Time to get the mattress out!
Posted by
11:14 PM
Tabula Rasa: in which I have strong opinions about characters
The first time that Sawyer calls Kate Freckles! So GREAT!
Hehe. Well I am reminded about how it took me a while to warm to Hurley. He wouldn't eat the Urchin, he whines about blood. Or something. Oh, and apparently Boone goes on Peace Marches.
I love Australian Farmer.
Sayid is doing some serious people-leading. I am maybe crying about how good of a leader he is.
I don't like Hurley in these episodes so much, because he's sort of Jack's Little Bitch.. "Hey, Kate's a Fugitive!"
There's an amazing meaningful little exchange between Jack and Saywer in the fuselage about how/if Jack should waste antibiotics on the marshal. It's Jack ignoring the greater good and going at the most immediate problem. Aurora suggests that probably Sayid is the most leader-y one actually interested in the greater good. Sawyer isn't for a long time, being all venture capitalist, "in the wild", but I think he comes around at the end. I think it's important that Sawyer's one of the dudes who sticks around to take on the Others at the end of Season 3. But man, I am worried about that guy.
And I should take this moment to note that it's pretty awesome how early they realize there are other people on the Island.
Why did Locke make a whistle, seriously? Weirdo. I guess maybe Walt told him about Vincent. What a nice dude. It's really interesting to watch the Walt-Michael dynamic when Walt doesn't understand that Michael has a right to be overprotective of him, because he hasn't been his father for a long time.
"Three days ago we all died. We should all be able to start over." -JACK! Three days ago, really? Easter!
One of the things I really like about the first season is the sort of sense of zen and thankfulness. We're mid-ending montage. Sayid throws Sawyer an orange. More in favor of Sayid's awesome leader abilities. I'll say more on that later.
Posted by
10:34 PM
Pilot Part 2: shut up and stop trying to be charming.
Here goes.
Will was trying to make a point about who was in which bathroom when the plane crashed.
Oh Shannon, I hate you. ( I get used to you in the 2nd season)...
We have gotten sour with each other over what Aurora will keep track of.
Poor Hurley and his early lines. "Some people have problems. Us...him." BLEH.
Talk about side wounds! The Marshall has a masterful one.
It's SNACK TIME. Fruit Snacks all around.
We are talking about the nature of Vincent. Whether or not he is always a real dog. And if so, what kind of a real dog. Seriously, that dude is weird. Also, it led us to discuss the nature of the Horse. It seems like it should always be a hallucination....but Sawyer sees it.
Sawyer is being Emo. Will points out that he's in a fuselage part that looks like a cradle, and says
"he wants to be good." And then Sawyer offers that priceless line: "I'm a complex guy sweetheart".
Aunt Mary Jo has joined us!
I am wondering about Jack's scratch marks on his face. They look like something from Watership Down. Like the bad bunnies marks...I'm not sure about this
Way to shoot a polar bear, Sawyer.
Basically this episode is about being ADORABLE. In which Hurley faints on the Marshal.
Sawyer is "The Prisoner", says Sayid. So who's Number 2?
Oh here comes the radio signal. I still don't believe that none of these people know even a little French except for Shannon. Oh well. It's convenient that Rousseau speaks English. Why the hell didn't she use it when she record the Message?
Ok done. Seriously, adorable.
Posted by
9:50 PM
The Pilot
#1 I am excited for the whole half season of Ian Somerhalder. I love him so much.
Charlie is so cute when he is wandering around.
Jack's side is sort of pierced in the beginning. Does that mean he's like Jesus? Watch for more on that theme. Does that make Kate his Mary Magdalene? Aurora points out that she decides not to lie about her name even though she's been lying about her name for years. Because he makes her want to be better? Like Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.
Oh I miss the old days when they relied on the stars on the beach for ambience.
The Monster showed up for the first time! Terrific!
Apparently Rose says "there's something very familiar about that sound"...which Aurora points out makes sense because she's from the Bronx and it is taken from a taxi cab meter sound.
It starts to rain, and everyone is freaked out. Except Locke who is sitting out in it happily. A foreshadowing of his later love affair with the monster? Probs.
Oh hai, Greg Grunberg. I am totally not trusting you.... I am really starting to believe that there is some serious setting up going on here. Especially in the event that someone controls the Monster, I think lil' pilot could have made it out ok, and the things he is telling the Losties are just a way for whoever is controlling the island to set them up. It seems to me like he's trying to see if the Losties are listening when he tells them how they crashed. Aurora points out that he conciously puts down the radio.... I guess this doesn't mean that the monster is controlled by something, because the Others might have hoped that the pilot might have survived to further infiltrate the Losties. Eh. I dunno.
And Pilot Part One. DONE.
Posted by
9:13 PM
Live-blogging the LOST WEEKEND!?!
Here's the deal.
It's time for the LOST Weekend, where we watch every episode of Lost in a 3 day time span.
Eat a lot of junk food. Do some house-cleaning. Read books at the same time. Maybe apply for jobs.
But mostly and most importantly. WATCH LOST.
It is going to rule. And we will keep you, our fair readers posted on it. And maybe take this opportunity to catch up on the Blog. We're still reading....well.. I'm listening to Our Mutual Friend and Aurora has some older stuff to catch up on.
Oh, and I should probably say some words about "And Then There Were None".
Oh and I think I am going to have a "Cowboy Up" shirt made.
And change my ringtone to "Make Your Own Kind of Music".
This is going to be hella hella fun.
Posted by
7:27 PM